Owl Peak Labs Founders’ Note to Investors and Partners


Dear Friends,

It is with a heaviness of heart that we express our empathy for communities across the world impacted by COVID-19. As the founders of Owl Peak Labs, these challenging times have reinforced our mission to save lives using new innovations in diagnostic imaging technology. We set out ten months ago to bring the Oscar Project to life and quickly achieved several milestone developments. However, the world today is much different than it was when we launched, the new normal has confirmed our thesis about the future of patient care.

As a company, we are uniquely positioned with an incredible team of medical professionals who are on the front lines of this pandemic. We have taken every precaution to ensure the safety of our team and are working to make sure we are prepared and supportive of them for the duration of this fight. Since our inception we have used technology to create an environment of remote workflow, and we will continue to lead in that area.

The health and safety of our team and their families, our partners, potential patients and our communities is our primary focus.

Our leadership team would like to share our work processes, screening, and precautionary measures recommended by our co-founder, Dr. Taison D. Bell, and our involvement in supporting the larger community. It is important to find sound information during these challenging times; our experienced medical team is here to provide that guidance.

We launched the Owl Peak Labs social media accounts this week to extend our information reach and content distribution. Our team has and will provide recommendations and interactions with our co- founder, Dr. Taison D. Bell, an Infectious Disease Intensivist. We are committed to improving public health and providing trustworthy information on our platform.

Owl Peak Labs, a life science company, is working to move the colon cancer diagnostic process out of the hospital directly to the patient. Our mission has become more relevant during the worldwide COVID- 19 outbreak. We believe the future of diagnostics, imaging or otherwise, is best performed in the comfort of our own homes. Our goal to develop screening solutions while maintaining focus on patient care remains vital to the future of medicine. We trust that telemedicine is the new requirement of patient care. We strongly believe investment in companies that understand the delivery of service is a key evaluation tool for investors and founders alike. As we close our pre-seed round, we encourage engagement with companies like ours that are committed to the betterment of public health. Regardless of the current economic climate, our company-and its success- is dependent on dedication from our team members, persistent hard work, and mindful execution. Owl Peak Labs is built for the new understanding of public health and positioned to be a leader in life science innovation. We have the ability to change the world by saving lives.

As we continue to navigate this dynamic situation, we encourage you to renew your focus towards the important things in life. Check on your neighbors, phone your friends, stay in touch with your loved ones. We look forward to keeping you updated with information from Dr. Bell and various experts who are working tirelessly to help fight this pandemic. Our mission is to save lives by simplifying early-stage diagnostic imaging and now, more than ever, we remain focused on execution. Adjusting to this new reality as a company and community is our continued goal. This pandemic knows no borders and does not discriminate. But despite its challenges, we can take this opportunity to change ourselves and society for the better, and emerge from it stronger.

Be safe and be well,

Tim and Taison